Saturday 2 February 2019

Why are the US citizens rapidly becoming more obese?

In this argumentative essay, I will discuss why are the US citizens rapidly becoming more obese? We will discuss what the reasons of obese are and how it can be controlled. To understand the true size of the US obesity epidemic, we need to understand what is really means to be overweight. Basically, doctors and nutrition explain that healthy weight and overweight are obese. These different classifications can be explained by body mass index (BMI). The main measure of obesity is the Body Mass Index, or BMI, which allows comparisons of weight holding elevation constant. BMI is calculated as weight in kilograms separated by height in meters squared. BMI below 20 is considered thin, BMI between 25 and 30 is overweight, and BMI above 30 is obese. Basically, obesity is a medical condition that occurs when a person carries the excess weight that is harmful to his or her health. A six-foot-tall man would be overweight at 184 pounds and obese at 221 pounds. If you are unable to write an academic paper about US people obese, then you should get help from the professional writers of dissertation proposal writing services.

Obesity in the US is a significant health concern that is leading preventable causes of death. The role of diet in the US obesity is major, but it is complex. On the other hand, larger portions and food packages are the main cause of US people obese. However, obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the US. Obesity is associated with several conditions such as no diet and too much food. US people with metabolic syndrome are at a higher risk of heart disease. Most people think that weight gain and obesity are caused by a lack of willpower. However, this is not true. Basically, overweight is driven by various biological factors like genetics and hormones. Overweight is the cause of many diseases that are harmful to human beings. Most people are affecting this major problem, because, they have no control over it. It can ruin the future of many people. However, US citizens are facing this major problem.

Obesity has a major genetic component, because, children of obese parents are too much obese. However, this does not mean that obesity is completely predetermined. Non-industrialized societies rapidly become obese when they start eating Western food. It means that a genetic component affects many societies.

Another major reason of US citizens obese is junk food. These products are cheap, but, really harmful for human beings. It is the main cause of being obese. These foods are tasty, because, food manufacturers are trying to increase sales. However, these foods promote overeating. Junk food can make our additional habit. The addition is a complex issue that can be difficult to control. Insulin is a very important hormone that regulates energy storage in our body. However, the Western diet promotes insulin resistance that is the cause of obese. Added sugar is another worst aspect of the modern diet, which is the main cause of US citizens’ obese.


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